Marshall County 9 Pointer

by Sean Wood
(Cornersville, TN)

Well it was January 2,2010. The night before I called my brother in law to see if he was hunting. He said yes and about 5 min he called me back and said no he was a little under the weather to go ahead and hunt in his shooting house. I arrived at about 5:15am and got settled in by getting the heater going. It was about 7 degrees. I thought it was going to be another day of watching the does grazing about daylight. Daylight came and no does. At about 7:30am I saw movement out the west window. It did not take me long to see that this was a shooter. At 148 yards, my buck was standing broadside and I lifted my .270 Savage(old faithful). I took a deep breath and BANG he dropped to the ground. After some quiet yeah's and all rights I took a walk to see my 9 pointer, 18 1/2 in spread. Then loaded him up and started calling my family. Thanks to my under the weather brother in law for not hunting.

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Dec 08, 2010
No more under the weather!
by: Anonymous

I'm bettin the brother-in-law has a suitcase of alka seltzer plus hid under the bed now! Ain't gonna be no more under the weather!! (o;?

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