May 23rd Whitetail Photographs

We're now seeing bucks with their brow tines split off so they're on their way. It will get more and more interesting each week. So far the biggest buck has brow tines and his antlers are starting to spread out. Looking back at past years we are on pace for similar antler growth.

Our food plots have greened up nice and it looks like we have some nice clover for the deer to eat. They're not spending a lot of time in the plots yet, which is normal. Each year, when spring greens up, the deer have an abundance of food to eat, but they eventually come to the plots.

The deer are now hitting our mineral licks hard and we're getting a lot of pictures. Right now mineral licks are our best hot spots for our cameras. We've added more licks this year and the deer are using a couple of them.

We won't be getting many pictures from our feeders in the coming weeks. A bear came in and destroyed two of them so we're going to leave them in the barn for a while. Hopefully he doesn't find the last one.

The good side of losing our feeders is that we got some real good black bear pictures. We also got one more bobcat picture this time so make sure you check out the bobcat and black bear picture pages.

A buck with its brow tines split. This one looks like it may be a young one.

Another buck at the same mineral lick. This bucks antlers aren't as far along, but they look like they may be thicker.

This looks like another young buck that has split off his brow tines.

Another buck, this ones main beams are starting to get wide.

A buck at another mineral lick. This may be one of the bigger bucks.

This picture was taken on May 10th, before this feeder was destroyed.

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