May 26, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

The bucks antlers continue to grow and many have now split off their brow tines. We also got our first fawn picture, but we only got one. We should get many more in the weeks to come.

Looking back at the past couple of years it looks like we are on par with antler development compared to those years. I could be optimistic and say that it looks like we're ahead, but when I go back another year it looks like we may be a bit behind. Maybe our next set of pictures will be a better comparison.

The fawn was caught at the end of the hayfield. We're not getting great buck pictures there, but we get an interesting picture here each week. That will keep that camera at this spot.

Deer continue to visit the licking branch, but we didn't get any that made this page. We'll keep watching.

The black bear showed up again the evening after we set up the cameras. Maybe he comes to check things out after he hears us leave. We didn't leave him anything to eat on that trip, but we did put out some protein feed this time.

Our first fawn picture of the year.

Here are two bucks that both show some promise.

This is likely one of the same bucks from the previous picture.

This is the biggest set of antlers we've seen so far.

Here is a healthy looking buck at the old house mineral lick.

Another buck with brow tines branched off at another mineral lick.

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