May 14 Deer Pictures

We left a camera out over the past week at one of our mineral licks to see what stopped by.  Although not the best place to catch a black bear, we wondered if he may amble by.  We also wanted to see what the traffic at our mineral licks looks like.  The muddy tracks we had been seeing looked like they were well used and the pictures verified that.

In the past we have also seen coyotes and bobcats as they passed by, but not this week.  All of the pictures were deer.  I guess we shouldn't be surprised or disappointed.

Here are a couple of those pictures that we found interesting.

This is the biggest buck we saw this week.

Three bucks together.  Quantity over quality?

I remember this buck from last season, the white on his leg gives him away.  I think he was a small eight point.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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