May 23 Deer Pictures

We left a camera out for about a week and a half to see if anything interesting came by.  I don't want to say we were disappointed, but the black bear didn't show up nor did we see any coyotes or bobcats.  To the contrary, we got a real nice picture of a rabbit.  When we're out and about it is rare to see a rabbit.  Ever since the rise in the coyote population we seldom see one of these little white tail hoppers.  I honestly can't tell you the last time I jumped one.  We know they're still around because the neighbors dogs find them and go for a good chase, but we never see them.

By the way, we got a couple buck pictures of early velvet antler growth.

Here it is.  Almost feel like I got a picture of a ghost.

If it doesn't have white patches on it's leg we can't tell them apart right now.

Two of em.  One looks to be a little bigger.

This one got a little close.  Is he the same buck as above?

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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