Mississippi Bucks

by Bo Sullivan
(Mize MS)

Mississippi Bucks

Mississippi Bucks

This buck recently broke half of his right antler off. It was very disheartening because this is the biggest deer where I hunt that I know of. But, as you can see I have other bucks that will eventually be nice size deer when they mature such as this young 8 point that travels frequently with this big buck.

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Mature Mississippi Buck

by Bo Sullivan
(Mize MS )

Mature Buck

Mature Buck

I've scouted this buck for 3 years. 3 years ago one of his horns was broken off. Last season he was a nice 9 point. This is him this summer and he currently has 9 points and it looks like his right main beam is starting to split, so he could possibly be a 10 point by the time the season gets here.

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