Missouri Piebald Taken On Youth Hunt


Missouri Piebald

Missouri Piebald

This piebald (odd colored) buck was taken in mid-MO by my neighbor Tyler on his first youth hunt. No one had seen this unusual deer in the area before. How many kids gets to bag an eight pointer and it be piebald on their very first hunt? Something tells me he's probably hooked.

Congrats Tyler!

Comments for Missouri Piebald Taken On Youth Hunt

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Jan 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

very nice deer and the unusal coloring good hunting

Nov 15, 2008
Buck of a Lifetime
by: Keith

Thank you neighbor for posting the picture and the comments. This is my son's deer. What an exciting hunt it turned out to be.I didn't know what to think when we saw the deer, He said he never really noticed all the extra white, until we went to get it all he noticed was that it had antlers. Great Job Tyler

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