More Ogemaw County Michigan Night Stalkers

by Chris
(West Branch, MI)

Pictured here are a couple more corn fed bruisers along with a small 7 point I got on camera. Pics 3 and 4 are the same buck. Approximate scores please? Taken with Wildview Extreme 5 Trail Cam.

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Nov 21, 2011
The buck NEW
by: Chris

Also I forgot to mention, Bobby raus buck was an 11 point with 21inch inside spread, he scored 143B&C. He was 3 1/2 years old and not overly large for a deer that age, just most of the deer shot in the west branch area are 1 1/2 and don't get a chance to reach there true potential! We are trying to spread the word of QDMA so our deer herd will be greatly improved, but it is hard to change the way people have hunted for many generations.

Nov 21, 2011
Response NEW
by: Anonymous

These pictures are from last year. The buck in pictures 2, 3, and 4 are all the same buck. He was shot November 18th last year by Bobby rau the farmer that has the field across the river. The only person that hunts on my grandmas is uncle Tom. I just like to get pictures, never have and never will hunt there, I have a few other properties available to me that are set up much better, and the deer funnel through yours and marks place. Watch how much bait you put out this year because the DNR is watching that area. By the way do you have facebook? Text me sometime at 989-312-1376 hope there is no hard feelings, and good luck to you!

Nov 21, 2011
i see... NEW
by: evan geiersbach

See why u guys cut the shooting lane in the pines and hunt on are property.....

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