by Steele Fromm
Front View
Shot in October 2010 on the WMA. With no4 mk1 .303 British with 180grn sp. Approximate 200+ yard shot with original peep sight. I was sitting on one side of the reeds in a swampy area and he ran out into the beet field, he stopped and I pulled up my gun aimed, aimed and pulled the trigger. Bang flop one dead MT buck. Hit him in the top of the lungs he dropped like a rock. Biggest buck to date. He weighed 250+ plus pounds killed me getting him in the back of the truck. He's only 17.5 inch spread at widest point but hes got tall tines. And a nice dark rack with awesome brow tines. And I can fit inside of his rack spread and tines and I'm 6'1 and got muscle. Definitely a trophy in my book. He was estimated to be 6.5 years of age. He was a fighter for sure he was all cut up and scarred. He was old but his meat was good cause of the beets. Beet fed deer tastes like beef only better.