Nasty 17 and Tall 13 Pointers

by Charles

17 and 13 Pointers

17 and 13 Pointers

This is a 2 1/2 year old 17 point that was shot with a bow by a friend of mine. He made it through the deer seasons in 07 and I am looking for him again. Hope to get pics soon. I haven't seen the 13 pointer since these pics were taken.

The date and time is wrong on the pics, they were taken July 24, 2008. This is the 17 pointer from last year. Looks like he is starting to take shape now. I hope he is still around in bow season.

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Jan 14, 2011
by: buck slayer senior

Could you take the time to let all of us now the brand of came tracker you use. looking to buy a new one. thanks.

Dec 30, 2010
Royal Deer
by: Dan

That is a Royal Deer.. you can tell by the crown he wears..

Wonder if they ever got him?

Nov 28, 2009
by: Doody Cook

Freak Nasty should be that deer name!!!!!

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