Nebraska Bowkill

by John Hogeland
(Nebraska City, NE)

5x5 Whitetail

5x5 Whitetail

I was on an all-day sit when I rattled this buck out of a wooded draw at 1:30 pm. He bedded down in some cedars approximately 20 yards behind my stand. Luckily, I was downwind of him. It was a long hour and a half while I waited him out. He got up from his bed and gave me a nice 15 yard broadside shot. He is a typical 5x5. 155 6/8 gross and 150 1/8 net.

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Aug 19, 2015
Nebraska Bowkillboston NEW
by: Anonymous

Never turn down an opportunity to chase the night hours. Not just does the diversion regularly move best exactly at dusk, yet it is really a brilliant time to be in the forested areas. On the off chance that you are legitimately arranged. Have the accompanying for day or evening following. A splash container of peroxide. God has a comical inclination and has set "red" spots on leaves and ground. assignment writing uk .A little splash of peroxide lets you know instantly on the off chance that it's blood or not - in the event that it is blood, it froths. Likewise a bit of Kleenex will get blood and reveal to you a hint of red.

Jul 03, 2012
Congrats NEW
by: Anonymous

Very nice bowkill! Congrats!

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