New York Bobcat

by Ray
(Stormville, NY, USA)

I've seen this Bobcat for 3 years but could never get a shot. Hunting Nov 6 at 9:15AM, she came quickly down a transition trail towards me. One side of the cat was a stream on one side of her and a low rock wall seperating thick bushy arceage. I was confident the cat would either pass me on the trail or cut over the wall into the thick brush. Would the cat give me a shot? She quickly cut the distance to me to about 40 yards and then made the move towards the rock wall at a 45 degree angle from me which I was set up on a tree.

I drew my bow back and followed her. How do you stop a cat?? Quickly the cat was at 30 yard. She stopped for me at the rock wall to look over into the thick brush. I had a small shooting lane. I put the pin on her and within a few seconds let it rip. She didn't know what hit her.

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Oct 20, 2015
Bobcat NEW

Great shot! How did you manage to catch it? 3 years. Man! That's quite a long period. You do have patience! I wouldn't have waited for such a long time really. Once I saw a bear. It was very fat and large. I thought I could shoot it with one hand, but I was wrong. It was so gracious while running and so quick that I was stunned. I stood like as oaf with my mouth opened and laughed at myself.

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