Nice 12 Pointer

by John
(Mid Missouri)

Was thinking about trying out new area next year a little closer to home, so I decided to set up a trail cam and see if there was anything in the area worth pursuing. Imagine my surprise when this guy showed up on cam! I call him a 12 pointer, but would sure understand if others call him an 11 pointer. All depends on whether or not you count that short 1/2" nub on his right side or not. I grew up in PA, and if you could hang a ring on it, we counted it. I know a lot of other places like to see the points at least an inch long. Not sure what the P&Y or B&C rules say? Either way, still a nice buck in my book. Any guesses on what he might score? Thanks.

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Aug 13, 2015
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Jul 07, 2015
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Jun 15, 2012
by: Anonymous


Apr 13, 2012
Score guess
by: Anonymous

If he's a clean 6x6 he should gross at least in the high 160's. he appears to have great beams he looks to have well over 70" per side- awesome buck-GOOD LUCK!!

Feb 13, 2012
Nice Deer
by: Anonymous

Nice Deer!

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