Nice 8 Point Buck

by Jacob

I took this picture in northern Michigan, later that year I shot this same buck.

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Nov 09, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

A hypothesis is a testable statement. Before using any research procedure writing service researcher cannot conclude that a hypothesis is true or false. A hypothesis cannot be fully true or cannot be fully false. The aspect of fallibility is an important aspect of scientific hypothesis.

Dec 28, 2009
NICE 8 point bunk???
by: Anonymous

DUDE!!! You post this like your proud- you shot bambi. Thats a 1.5 yr old deer. Think about maybe letting your deer there get to 2.5 min and then come back with the picts for us. I mean no offence, but if your not a small kid then shame on you... If you Michigan hunters would just let these little ones walk for one or 2 years maybe youd stop coming to issouri where im from and stop ruining our good hunting here...

Oct 21, 2009
Baby deer
by: Anonymous

He was just a baby!

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