Nice Buck

by Mike Tabb
(Menard, Texas.)

Nice Buck

Nice Buck

I'd just like to get your opinion of this deer. Looks like he might be a nice buck in a few years.

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Sep 08, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

The process of the production of data and knowledge is very difficult and detailed method for the process foot eh research. The intricacies of the system are learned and revoked by the assignment help online intellectuals his skills are trained and inculcated in the level of the higher education and bench marks of that level.

Dec 28, 2009
nice buc k
by: Anonymous

Dont kill him next year. Keep putitng food out and in 2 more years that buck will be a booner for sure.... it looks 1.5-2.5 years old. 4.5 should be the minimum age to kill him. If your patient though 5.5-6.5 would be his max antler growth. That said- if hes great at 4.5- kill him... Too manny things could go wrong...

Dec 01, 2009
by: Anonymous

that is a young deer let it grow more and et older and you will be thankfull that u did when u kill him ext year if you have not already killed it

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