Nice Indiana Buck (5pts rt side & 7 pts lft side)

by Chris McDonald
(Owen County)

Would like to hear whatcha all think as for age and score. I know the pic isn't the best but just curious, I am not very good at guessing. Thanks

Comments for Nice Indiana Buck (5pts rt side & 7 pts lft side)

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Jul 19, 2015
best one NEW
by: Aalok

Your Fawn Photo looking very awesome and i think you did work hard to make it more attractive and beneficial. You have wrote about this fawn which is good for every interested person. any how, I actually, want best essay writers but after getting this post like to read it because i also have almost similar fawn and activity.

Sep 19, 2011
Great Deer- score?
by: Anonymous

Have to agree with Kenny & say he'd gross in that range but his side ti side deductions would hurt his net score- a real trophy regardless. Good Luck sticking him! Jim

Aug 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

6 Years old & 168" to 174"- I would be very proud with him, if you get him let us know.

Kenny: Alabama.

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