Nocturnal 10 Point

by John
(Mid Missouri)

Have caught this guy on cam for the past few years, but never shows himself during the daytime. Any guesses on what he might score? I am truly an amateur at field judging, but if I had to guess, I would think somewhere in the neighborhood of 135-140. Am I even close?

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Apr 13, 2012
by: Jim berardi

I left that comment in Feb. you underestimated this buck-he will score at least 20" more than your guess. I have taken scoring lessons along with 30 years plus of field judging in the wild. He's a great typical tenpoint!!

Feb 13, 2012
score?? NEW
by: Anonymous

Nice tenpoint. I'd say he has around 60" or little better per side which would put him in the high 140s possibly a 150 buck.

Feb 13, 2012
Nice Deer NEW
by: Anonymous

Nice Deer

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