November 14th Whitetail Photographs

Last week we saw a lot of bucks and once again it was different this week. We saw all of our regular bucks and we also saw the decent new eight point buck. One difference was that the overbite buck didn't show up all over the place this week. He only showed up in a couple of places and wasn't a regular in either place.

The nine point didn't show up at all this week. We must be just at the outer fringe of his territory. We hope to entice him with goodies, but he's not falling for it.

The new eight point showed up again in a couple of spots. Maybe he does like what we offer.

Our out of the way scouting didn't find any new bucks, just a couple of our regulars. This week we're still monitoring these two spots and we've added two more.

We did get one bobcat picture this week, but it's in the background so we're not adding it to the bobcat page.

The bigger of our two ten point bucks. I'd like to see this buck next week to see how big he is.

I think we've seen this little eight point before, but he's not a regular.

The eight point we first saw last week stuck around and showed up in a couple of spots.

The other ten point looks like he's trying to displace the other ten point as the biggest.

Overbite is still around, but he didn't get around as much this week.

Here's another young eight point that we hadn't seen before.

The big eight at one of our spots that we monitored to see if we could pick up a new buck. He liked this spot.

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