November 15th Whitetail Photos

This was a tough week for pictures. Our scrape cameras gave us few pictures. The bucks were chasing does on Saturday and from our pictures it looks like they had done so all week.

We got pictures of most of our bucks, but we didn't see them a lot. They just showed up here and there.

We did get a picture of one eight point that's a decent buck. We hadn't seen this buck yet this year so we hope he sticks around. The small ten point is still around and the big eight point is sill patrolling our woods. The big eight point showed up in three locations, but only one time in each spot. Not many patterning opportunities at this time of the year.

We saw bucks while we were down there. They were running does like mindless teenagers. I had one small buck react to calls when I was in my treestand. He showed up with his nose straight in the air and headed after the nearest doe.

This week we didn't get any bobcat, coyote or black bear pictures. Check back next week.

This is the only picture we got of this ten point this week. It looks like he's on the trail of a doe.

One of the few pictures at this scrape. It looks like a small seven point.

Can you find the buck under the snow?

A nice eight point that was new to our cameras.

One of our regular eight pointers that barely showed up this week.

The overbite buck on an infrequent visit to a feeder this week.

The big eight point stopped for a bite, but a doe was always nearby.

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