November 16th, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

It's been ten days since we last collected our pictures so we got a long soak and a lot of pictures to look at. The bucks are still chasing does and harder to pattern and see, but the ten day period gave us enough time to see them all.

We got pictures of all of our bucks and were glad to see the nine point show up again this week in two different locations. It seems he is sticking to a different part of our property.

One of the new bucks from our last set of pictures was still around and we got pictures of this buck in a couple different locations as well. He has interesting antler genetics, we hope he sticks around. I think we had seen him earlier this year in velvet.

I spent a little time in a blind, but didn't see much other than a small buck and some does. It appears that the older bucks are with does.

The new location that we monitored gave us pictures of the nine point, but no other new bucks.

The black bear showed up again this week on several of our cameras so we have two nice pictures for you to look at. Make sure you check out the black bear page.

Here is our ten point with the short G-2's. He's been real active. We've see him at several camera locations the past couple of weeks.

The other ten point. We've never seen this buck at any of our other camera locations. He's either a buck with a small core area or the area where we see him is on the outer fringe of his territory.

Here is the seven point buck that we see a lot.

We found the nine point again this week with the help of a different camera location and some attractant.

The biggest of two crab claw bucks. This one is the one that we've seen all fall.

The smaller of our two crab claw bucks. They were tough to tell apart in early velvet.

This buck ran across the hayfield in front of me Monday morning hot on the trail of a doe.

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