November 23rd, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

I gathered this set of pictures on the first day of rifle season. This is always an interesting set of pictures since we're looking to see that our bucks have made it through bow season. This set makes us a little nervous about the big nine point buck. He didn't show up in any of the pictures, but he was a no show two weeks ago and then showed up again. Hopefully he's still out there. The good news is that we got pictures of the rest of our bigger bucks.

The buck with the interesting antler genetics is still hanging around. Looking back I'm pretty sure he was around when he was in velvet.

I picked up the memory cards after sitting out the first morning. I got to see the overbite eight point and four other smaller bucks in my first outing.

We got very few pictures of bucks at licking branches and scrapes. They were still running with does this past week.

We didn't get any black bear, coyote or bobcat pictures this week. Check back next time.

We got one picture of this ten point this week. He looks like he's trailing like a hound dog.

This is one of those pictures of this buck that make him look bigger than he actually is.

This is one of our little bucks that we see a lot with our cameras.

The other ten point we're still seeing a lot. He's been an aggressive buck and that may be a reason we see less of the other big bucks.

Our buddy with the goofy jaw is still showing up in a lot of pictures and places.

Here is the buck that has showed back up after staying elsewhere for a while. He has some interesting genetics.

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