November 30th Whitetail Photos

The week of deer season is usually a tough week for buck pictures, but this week we got pictures of all of our regular bucks except for the biggest eight point. We're a little concerned about not seeing the big eight point. We didn't get any pictures of him and we didn't see him while we were out hunting either. Over the past couple of years this buck has been a ghost during deer season so we're hoping he's still around. We'll be looking close for him next week.

We got pictures of a nice nine point buck on Monday night. He was hanging out with some does just outside the house and we caught him with a camera we had hung on a telephone pole. We didn't see him again the rest of the week, but he's been off and on around our territory this fall.

We've moved away from monitoring scrapes this week. We've concentrated our cameras on feeders and protein feed locations along with one on a mineral lick, one along the old logging road and three in the hayfield. We're always looking forward to see what bucks survive the two week rifle season. Most that survive the first week survive the entire season.

This week we didn't get any black bear, bobcat or coyote pictures this week. We did recover from the damage the black bear caused last week putting up a small bucket feeder where he destroyed the larger one. We never know when we get these pictures.

This is the nine point buck that showed up close to the house on Monday night.

The same buck with three does. Notice the doe with the white feet, the sister of the big eight point we've been looking for. We first saw these two white footed siblings when they were fawns.

This ten point buck has been hanging around more. We saw him in person and he's a pretty nice looking buck.

The buck with the broken brow tines. We watched him get pushed around by the ten point.

The buck that was wounded last year is still around.

The little brow tine buck finally broke one of them off.

We have another one eye buck. This little buck hurt his eye last year and it looks like we'll be able to keep track of him now.

Our buddy with the overbite. We saw him in two locations this week. I thought that he would wander off and get shot for sure, but he's stuck around.

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