November 6th, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

The bucks are still chasing does and aren't paying a whole lot of attention to food yet. This make them harder to catch on camera, but we saw bucks looking for does each night from the house after dark.

We didn't get a lot of pictures this week, but we caught most of our bucks. The only buck we didn't see this week is the big nine point. This makes me a little nervous, but it isn't unheard of for us to have a buck go unseen this time of the year. Hopefully we'll see him in our next set of pictures.

We did have two new bucks show up this week that we may have not seen before, but their not two trophies. Just a couple of smaller eight pointers. We may have seen the bigger one when he was in velvet. I can remember seeing another buck that had those crab claws but he dropped off the radar.

I had the opportunity to sit on stand a little, but I didn't see much this week. On my way back to my four wheeler a buck ran right past it crossing the old road. Maybe he was thinking about taking a ride.

We got pictures just about everywhere, just not a lot at any one place. This week we put a couple of cameras on another ridge after we found a couple scrapes to see what's in this area. We also put a camera on a pear tree that's seeing a lot of activity.

The black bear showed up again and we got a couple pictures. Make sure you check out the black bear page.

The typical ten point checking out the protein feed.

One of the new bucks, the smaller of the two.

Our big eight point that has jaw problems at a well used scrape.

The other ten point at another protein feed spot.

The crab claw eight point. We've seen him a lot around the house.

The other new buck. He's got some interesting antler characteristics.

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