November 9th Deer Photographs

The first full week of November along with normal weather gave us good buck pictures and a couple of bucks that we hadn't seen before. Both of these bucks are real nice bucks that we'd like to see stick around. That's the way it goes this time of the year. We usually see bucks that we hadn't seen before, but they often walk away and we never see them again.

We got pictures of the biggest ten point again this week along with another impressive ten point. We also got two new eight point bucks that have a lot of promise. We may have had some pictures of one of them earlier, but it's hard to tell. The eight point with the broken tine showed up some, but the other two eight points appear to be bigger bucks.

The scrape cameras did well for us this week, but the cameras at our feeders did well finding the new bucks as well. We had one camera that monitored a mineral lick and food plot fail this week. That frustrated us since this was the area where two of the new bucks showed up.

We didn't get any bobcat, coyote or fox pictures this week so check back next week.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Bigfoot SLE, Treebark Cameras 4.1, Trail Watcher 2060, Trail Watcher 4220 and Stalkercam.

This is the ten point we've been getting pictures of this fall. Bigfoot SLE

Our promising young eight point. Bigfoot SLE

Here is an eight point that we may have seen before, but not as much as this past week when he showed up at most of our cameras. Bigfoot SLE

A small nine point that we hadn't seen before. He looks like a young buck with a lot of points already. Trail Watcher 2060

Our white foot eight point with the broken G-3. Treebark Cameras 4.1

The new ten point that looks like a nice thick antlered buck. Trail Watcher 4220

A thick neck eight point that showed up. Trail Watcher 4220

We added this picture because this bucks neck is so big. A thick neck like this will get a buck a second picture on this page. Stalkercam

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