November 27 Deer Pictures

These pictures are from the week before rifle season and the first week of the two week rifle season for bucks.  We are a little thin on bucks with eight points or better and that included both weeks.  The first week we saw an eight point, nine point and one ten point buck.  The second week we only saw the eight point and the nine point.  I don't think this is completely out of the ordinary when compared to past years although it is a little concerning.  We also spent several hours in the woods the second week and didn't see any bucks that aren't shown in these pictures.  It's not uncommon for bucks to show up again after deer season so we'll see what happens this year.

Emily shot the eight point and he proved to be what I would call sneaky big.  His inside spread measured 17 inches.  A respectable width, especially when compared to bucks we've shot in past years.  Stay tuned for the write up and pictures of her hunt.

Here is Emily's eight point and he was as wide as he looks in this picture.

A five point buck from the second week.

The nine point buck.  This picture was taken the second week.  I saw him one evening and he was real skittish.  Probably why he was still alive.

A real interesting six point buck from the first week.

Two six point bucks.  The first with brow tines and this one with no brow tines.  This buck showed up the second week.

A ten point buck from the first week.  We sure hope to see him on our cameras next week.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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