November 4 Deer Pictures

Last week in only three days we captured seven pictures of bucks eight points or larger.  This week in seven days we got five pictures of bucks eight points or better.  Hmmm, what whitetail bucks do is always a mystery.

One eight point buck we saw regularly over the past few weeks didn't show up at all.  Not sure why.  Did he get pushed out by another buck?  Did he run off on his own in search of does?  Or, did he just not happen to walk past our cameras?  We just don't know.

We got a picture of one new buck this week, a six point.  Oh boy!

A black bear took out the neighbors tripod feeder again, but failed to show up on our cameras this week.

We got a lot of pictures of this buck this week.  I haven't seen this one yet in my few chances to sit out and watch.

I'd like to see how wide this bucks antlers could sweep in coming years.

Our five point.  Doesn't look like any hint of brow tines.

Our biggest  buck.  I did get a couple of looks at him, one at about 40 yards.  He's not real wide, but pretty tall.

The monster six point you've all been waiting for!  Could he be a nice one and a half year old?

I've had the opportunity to see this buck too.  He's a nice looking deer.  Noticeably smaller than the nine point when they were near each other.

I think this buck has the potential for a heavy ten point frame.  Width may not be his thing.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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