October 10th Whitetail Photographs

Last week we set up two cameras along the acorn loaded ridge at the location we call Whippoorwill. One camera at a scrape we had watched in years past and one just in the woods where there were a lot of acorns and a decent rub line. The camera at the acorns was a bust for bucks although it took 185 pictures of does and a few bucks. The camera at the scrape came up big catching two of our bigger bucks and a new buck that we hadn't seen before. This buck was a nine point that reminded us a lot of a buck that Ryan shot in 2011 not far from the picture of this buck. Needless to say, we're going to keep monitoring this area.

We got pictures of all of our bucks again this week plus the new nine point buck. Each week we're glad to keep getting pictures of them and it's getting to the time of the year when we sometimes see other bucks wandering around. We're always looking for these new bucks. Hopefully the nine point isn't a wanderer and he'll stick around.

Other than the overbite buck, I haven't seen any of these bucks “in person” yet. Maybe next week I'll get out to see one of them.

We still got pictures at our food locations and attractants, but other than Whippoorwill our scrape and other cameras didn't fare too well. I forgot to turn one camera on at an attractant and another didn't take any pictures and we're not sure why. I know I turned it on this week! We're also putting a camera on one of our oat plots. The Reconyx took a lot of pictures last week so we've put a good camera nearby to see what comes along for a bite of oats this week.

After getting coyote pictures on back to back weeks we didn't catch anything this week. Maybe next week.

The overbite eight point showed up in a lot of places again this week.

The six point buck at one of our feeders. We'd like to watch this deer as he grows up, but we're not able to find any identifiable features.

One of our two small eight pointers. The other one didn't make the page this week but we did see him.

One of our two ten point bucks. For some reason this one looks bigger in this picture than others we have of him. Maybe this camera does add ten pounds.

The big eight point buck at the scrape that gave us our best pictures.

The new nine point buck. Hopefully he'll find something he likes and sticks around for a couple more years. We noticed right away that this buck resembled the big buck Ryan shot in 2011.

The other ten point at the same scrape.

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