October 19th, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

We're now in the heart of bow season and I finally made it into the woods. I was in a hurry so I grabbed my bow and jumped into a blind at our middle clearing with little thought about shooting anything. It was a fun sit and I got the opportunity to see the ten point with the short G-2's up close. I got some video of him instead of looking at him through my peep sight. He is a nice buck, but not quite big enough to make me want to take a shot. I think the overbite eight point also showed up but he was about 80 yards away and I didn't have my binoculars so I couldn't identify him for sure.

Other than one camera that is having a problem we had a good camera week and we got a lot of pictures of our bucks. We even picked up an eight point that we hadn't seen before, but he's a couple of years away. He did seem to be ready to challenge our bucks though. The picture we included of him shows him with two of our other bucks. He tried to push them both around right in front of our camera.

We've now seen the two ten point bucks but the nine point has evaded us in our three sits in the woods. It will be interesting to see him and how he compares to the two tens. I still think he's our best buck this year.

The only scrape that is seeing any action is the one that we caught the new buck at. They're tearing the ground up under that tree and we got some nice pictures. For some reason they're not pawing any ground at any of the other locations.

We got one bobcat picture this week, unfortunately it's not a very good picture so I didn't put it on the bobcat page.

Here is the buck we call crab claw at a licking branch/scrape.

How about a picture with three bucks. The new eight point has his back to you. He was pretty aggressive.

Our typical ten point. He hasn't wandered far from this location.

I liked this foggy picture of our other ten point.

A six point at the same spot.

The overbite buck at the licking branch along the road.

Our biggest buck, but not our most aggressive buck.

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