October 16 Deer Pictures

Last week we tried some new locations.  They worked out okay, not great but okay.

We got a lot of buck pictures, but most of them aren't close enough to post here.  A little zooming and we got some good looks.  I'll be honest, it's just too much work to zoom and crop them to add to the website.  That being said, we still have eight nice pictures for you this week.

We still haven't figured out how many bucks with antlers eight points or better we have.  Some of them look a lot alike and I still haven't had the chance to get out and take a look at them other than from the house and when we're out and about. 

Last week we monitored two scrapes and this week several more scrapes appeared.  This week we're only monitoring one scrape.  A good one we've watched in the past.  Sometimes at this time of the year I think they'll make a scrape just about anywhere and it may never be used again so I don't chase the new ones.

This week we only left one camera in it's same location, adjusted another and the other three were moved to new trees.  I think we're in good spots.

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One of our eight point bucks.  He shows up in a lot of pictures.

This buck tried hard to be a ten point.  By WVDNR regulations he's just an eight.

One of our eight points whose antlers have enough of a different look that I can identify him.  I really like this buck.  I think he has a lot of potential.

This eight point looks a lot like the one in the top picture.  Makes it real hard to determine how many bucks we've seen.

We think this is the biggest buck we have pictures of.  We're just having a hard time getting a real good close picture of him.  Maybe this week.

This is the first time we've seen this six point.  Some would say poor genetics, I think it's just an interesting looking buck.

One of our ten point bucks.  I noticed this week that this is the buck with extra white on his left leg.  He was an eight point last year.

Two bucks for the price of one.  One of our ten points in the front and who knows about the one behind.  It may be the same buck as the previous picture or it may not.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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