October 27th Deer Pictures

After capturing only four bucks on our cameras last week, we only had our cameras out three days this time and captured seven nice bucks.  Five of these pictures were taken by the same camera in about a 24 hour period.  The bucks were walking through one of our food plots.  I put the camera with the highest picture capacity at this location this week.

The bucks that we saw in the field in the evenings were on the prowl for does, but as expected the does didn't want anything to do with them.  It makes for some funny deer watching.  It can be exciting times during late October.

We didn't get any black bear pictures over these three days.  Word has it that he took out another neighbors feeder. 

This eight point can be counted on to be in quite a few pictures each week.  He's one of the bucks we watched harass does.

This buck didn't show up at all last week.  We caught him in two locations this week.

The eight point that tried to make it to ten points.

This is the second time we've seen this buck.  His body sure looks big and we think he's a nine pointer.

Our biggest antlered buck, another nine point.

This ten point showed up again this week.  He looks young with a lot of antler potential.

The bigger ten point.  This buck has moved to a different location than we saw him last year.  He has extra white on his front left leg that helps us identify him.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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