October 29 Deer Pictures

This set of pictures is from two weeks and we got several bucks.  The pear tree is a big draw right now, not sure where we'll get pictures from once all the pears are gone.  We also got some good pictures from an area where an open lane enters a food plot.  This area has been a good spot in the past.  Let's take a look.

This buck must not know what's good for him.  He has at least two broken tines, maybe three.

Another eight point with small brow tines.  He also looks like he has the beginnings of a very small drop tine on his left side.  Very little.

Here's a young eight point buck.  Notice the extra white around his hooves.  Takes us back a few years to a real nice buck that had extra white like this buck.

Here is the eleven point buck that we first saw two weeks ago.  He's got some real interesting antler genetics.

Just too close to not add to this page.  A lot of points on not much antler.

How is this for a four point buck?  We'd really like to see this one survive this season.

A nine point with nice mass but not a lot of length.

Here's a nice looking seven point buck.  We saw this one and he's a nice buck.

Our biggest buck.  A solid ten point we've been watching for four years.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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