October 8 Deer Pictures

We moved two of our cameras to new spots for this set of pictures and the two new spots paid off with some nice buck pictures.  On the other hand, the two old locations that had done so well in the past didn't do so well this time.  The dry weather has left one of our mineral licks dry as a bone.  So that camera saw a lot of activity but it was at a distance in the food plot.  The other looks at a licking branch that just didn't pan out this time.  We moved these two cameras.  One to a new scrape and the other to a spot where the deer move from a sweet feed location to the food plot.  We also added another camera that only takes daytime pictures to a scrape we've seen good bucks at in past years.

We got pictures of eight bucks eight points or better this time.  That's pretty good.  There is one nine point that I don't think we'd seen before.  Not sure if he was just passing through or if maybe he'd gone undetected.  Hope he sticks around.

The smaller of the two ten point bucks.  I think he's young and has a lot of potential.

One of the four eight point bucks.  Maybe the biggest?

I'm calling this one an eight point although he really tried for nine and ten.  Is he our best eight?

Just can't get a good close picture of this buck.  He's surely the biggest we've seen so far.

The smallest eight point and he's still a pretty nice buck.

Here is the second nine point buck.  He has the extra point on his right side.  Not a bad looking deer.

A unique looking eight point buck.  Would like to see him in two years.

The bigger of our two ten point bucks.  He has a lot of potential too.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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