September 1st Deer Photographs

Three weeks on this set of pictures and we got all of our regular bucks, but no surprises yet.

We got pictures of a ten point buck in three different locations this time, but it looks like it is the same buck in all three places. We thought earlier this summer that we had multiple ten point bucks and we hope that we still have more than one ten.

The cameras that we put in the hayfield this time gave us some nice picture, but not of any unknown huge bucks. We left two cameras in the field again this time but we changed the location of one.

All of the bucks still had their velvet, but we expect that soon they will start shedding. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures of them shedding soon.

We got one bobcat picture this week walking past one of our feeders. Check out our 2012 bobcat picture page.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 4220, Treebark Cameras 4.1 and Trail Watcher 2060.

The seven point in the early morning. Trail Watcher 2060

The white foot buck has grown into a nice eight point this year. Trail Watcher 2060

One Eye has great beam length but hasn't even hinted at getting the ninth or tenth points. Trail Watcher 4220

We think this was the buck we called the small ten point last year. Not this year. Trail Watcher 4220

The six point with no brow tines. In the pictures he looks like he's more aggressive than the bigger eight point in the next picture. Treebark Cameras 4.1

We hope the smaller six point doesn't run this one off. Treebark Cameras 4.1

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