September 13th Whitetail Photos

As we thought last week, most of the bucks have lost their velvet. The tall racked eight point is the only buck we didn't see with shed velvet in this set of pictures. We got several pictures of the eight point buck that was wounded with his velvet hanging past one eye for a couple of days. This isn't typical of what we see. Generally they shed their velvet quickly.

We got pictures of most of the bucks we had been seeing throughout the summer. That's a good sign, hopefully they'll all stick around. We'd be glad to pick up a couple more over the coming weeks.

Their velvet is gone, but we didn't see any rubbing or scraping activity yet so we made a mock scrape in front of one of our cameras. We'll see what happens there next week.

We're not having much success with our cameras in the hayfield. Maybe this will change when they start scraping and moving more.

We had a young black bear visit one feeder and mineral lick. He was a little fellow and didn't cause any damage. We're thankful for that. Make sure you check out the black bear page. I did make a mistake setting up one camera or we would have had more pictures of the black bear.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Whitetail EagleEye, Penns Woods DS-07, Trail Watcher 2060, Treebark Cameras 4.1 and Trail Watcher Researcher.

The eight point buck with the little brow tines. They look even smaller now that his velvet is shed. Penns Woods DS-07

This is the only buck that we didn't see without velvet. Treebark Cameras 4.1

The big eight point buck. His antlers aren't' as thick as we hoped, but they are wide. Treebark Cameras 4.1

The big ten point still has his velvet in this picture, but he shed by the end of the week. Trail Watcher 2060

This is a decent looking buck, but he's already lost one brow tine. Trail Watcher Researcher

This buck let his velvet hang along his face for a couple of days. Whitetail EagleEye

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