September 15th, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

After only one more week it looks like most of our bucks have shed their velvet, although the overbite eight point and the ten point with the short G-2's didn't show up in any pictures with shed velvet. We got pictures of the rest of them with hard antler including some good before and after pictures of one ten point.

Once again we got pictures of all of our bucks this week, but we didn't have a lot of pictures of one ten point. This may have been due to camera problems and camera locations. We have two cameras that are having flash problems so we missed some night pictures. We also accidentally turned the flash off on one camera and forgot to turn on another camera after checking it mid-week. We also captured only four doe pictures with our exploration camera. It's the risk you take when you move them to the out of the way spots.

Two new camera locations did well. We put a camera on a low hanging branch and confirmed that bucks were using it as a licking branch. We also got pictures of two bucks sparring at this spot. We put another camera on a trail location entering the hayfield and captured bucks leaving and entering the field.

We moved two cameras this week. One camera that we had on the right of way that had flash problems was moved to a feeder where another camera had flash problems. Hopefully the two cameras together can catch some night photos. We moved the exploration camera to a field where we keep the Reconyx to watch the oat and clover combination growing at this popular travel route.

This week the black bear didn't visit us at all. Maybe he's gotten tired of messing with our smaller feeders hung high in the trees, or maybe he's found easier pickings elsewhere. I imagine we'll see him again.

We didn't get any bobcat pictures this week and although I heard them on Tuesday evening we didn't get any coyote pictures either.

The crab claw eight point at the licking branch.

It's good to see our biggest buck still hanging around our field.

The overbite buck is still hanging onto his velvet.

You can see the tip of his G-3 sticking out of the velvet.

Here is the same ten point with his velvet completely shed.

We didn't see this buck with shed velvet yet in any of our pictures.

The small seven point still has blood on his antlers.

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