September 28th Deer Photographs

The last week of September and we saw plenty of bucks. We have nine bucks this week that are six points and bigger and I left out a seven point.

Saturday was the opening day of bow season and we were hoping to run into one eye and get a shot at him. I think I saw him, but it was only long enough for him to run off a younger buck. The short altercation was the most violent collision I've witnessed while hunting. After I got out of my stand I even went over to look for a broken antler.

We got good buck pictures at every camera location except for one of our feeders. We're still amazed we're not seeing any bucks at this spot so we've put the exploration feeder in a location nearby to see what comes along.

Our first exploration feeder has given us so many good pictures that I added a second camera to that location.

Srape activity was minimal this week. Maybe they'll heat up soon.

We got one real nice coyote picture in one of our food plots, so make sure you take a look at the coyote picture page.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Bigfoot SLE, Trail Watcher 2040, Swamp Ghost, Trail Watcher 4220 and Trail Watcher 2060.

A young eight point with good antler tine length. Bigfoot SLE

This is the best buck from this weeks pictures. He's quite a distance from where we saw him last week. Bigfoot SLE

Another young eight point at a mineral lick. Trail Watcher 2040

The white foot buck has grown into a respectable eight point. Trail Watcher 4220

The aggressive six point buck. Pictures from this camera showed him getting pushed around by the previous buck. Trail Watcher 4220

Ryan saw this buck at this location on Saturday morning. Swamp Ghost

We don't know if we can call this buck a nine point or not, but we'd like to get another look at him. Swamp Ghost

Another ten point buck. Swamp Ghost

One eye. I'd be more than happy to get a shot at this buck. Trail Watcher 2060

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