September 11 Deer Pictures

Our camera had been out for over three weeks this time.  I had moved it after getting some real nice buck pictures in our last set, but I didn't know about the nice bucks before I moved the camera.  Nothing like finding this out after the fact!

We now have four cameras out.  Bow season starts Saturday so we'll start doing a little advanced scouting with the cameras.  A black bear removed one of our feeders so we put one camera on that feeder to see if he shows up again.  We'd really like to know how he removed the feeder with so little damage done to it.

Two other cameras are on mineral licks and the fourth is watching a licking branch overlooking a food plot where we've gotten some real nice pictures in past years.

Hopefully we have some monster bucks to show you next week.

This is a pretty nice buck that I don't think we've seen yet this year.  Sure would like to get more looks at this one.

A young five point buck.  He needs a lot of these minerals.

Another young buck.  I think we've seen this four point before.

The first picture of a buck with shed antler velvet.  He has a ninth point on the right side, but it's pretty small.  After all, I shouldn't have to tell you about it.

It's getting late in the year for fawn pictures, but this one was too good to pass up.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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