September 18 Deer Pictures

The bear didn't show up last week.  He must have known we were looking for him, so we didn't keep the camera at the feeder.  We'll see what happens this week.

The bright side is that our cameras did capture some nice bucks.  We're still on the lookout for a nice buck from last year.  Some times I look at the pictures of one of these bucks and think that it's him and sometimes I look at those same pictures and don't think it's him.  I'll ask him if I get the chance!

Food plots provided the buck pictures last week so we put all four cameras on them this week, plus we're testing an old camera at a feeder.  Hopefully we get more pictures of the bucks to see how many and how big they are.  I saw four of them together on Thursday so I know for sure there are at least four decent bucks.  They casually trotted away from me as I was mowing a food plot.  You know their antlers always look wider when their running away from you.

One of two ten point bucks we caught on camera.

An eight point that looks bigger than the ten point in the previous picture.

We think this is the eight point that was still in velvet in the last set of pictures.

A little fellow at a mineral lick.  Won't see this picture on a deer mineral bag!

This looks like a big nine point that has a small tenth point on the right side.  Could he be the eleven point from last year?  Can't make my mind up.

The second ten point.  More mass and longer G-4's than the other ten point.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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