by Brandon Lehmer
(Little Elm, Texas, US)
It was just before first light when I got in my stand. Right before there was enough light to see I could here deer coming out of the brush into the opening. I saw an 8 point chase a doe through the opening. Then about two minutes later another doe quickly moved through the opening. So I was determined to get the next deer to stop so I could at least get a look at it. Then I saw something slow coming out behind my feeder. The doe tried to quickly get by but I got her to stop in my only shooting lane. I quickly decided to take her to get some meat in the freezer. So I put my shotgun up and put the sight right behind her shoulder. Then pulled the trigger. She went about ten yards and fell. Right after I shot three more does came out and walked right past her. One of those does walked right below my stand. All of those deer that past me were all headed to my dads stand only about 75 yards down the trail. So I called my dad on the walkie talkie to tell him he had deer headed his way. Of course when I called him he had a doe in his sights getting ready to shoot. Then he called me and said that he was coming to my stand because I scared all of the deer away from him when I called to warn him.