Skunk Hollow Pa. Bruiser

by Mark Patterson
(Home Pennsylvania Indiana county)

PA Bruiser

PA Bruiser

It was a cold and rainy Nov 30 2009,The first day of the season. I was hunting with my friends Jim, Steve, Kelsie, Brandon and George. I had seen three other bucks that morning but all were small illegal racks. Racks where I hunt must have 4 points to a side. At 9:30 4 does crossed the power line I hunt on, quickly followed by my 16 point 19 inch bruiser. I shot and the deer turned and came towards me through the woods. I shot two more shots hitting the deer a fatal blow. He continued towards me and I shot two more shots dropping him at a mere 25 yards. I had no idea this buck had 16 points. I got down from my stand and pushed my way through the briers to where he lay. When I saw the rack I started babbling. I didn't know it but Jim had seen the whole thing except seeing the buck. He thought I was having a heart attack until he came down and saw the trophy buck I had just shot. I was so worked up it took three tries to count all the points. What a great day in Pennsylvania, a day I will never forget.

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Aug 17, 2011
Awesome Pa Buck
by: Jim Berardi

Congrats on your wallhanger. Very few hunters ever get to put their hands around that type of rack in Pennsylvania-I can imagine how excited you must have been. Dr Gary alts antler restrictions did some good I guess.i hunted briefly in Indiana county in 88 around Clymer-was after an enormous * point that another Ohio hunter harvested later that year. He actually officially scored my Ohio big buck last Winter & that's when I found out he got the big 8-close to 150" back in 88 & we both live over 75 miles from there & never knew each other-small world! Jim

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