Comments for Some Interesting Red and Gray Fox Pics in 2010

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Apr 25, 2011
No lures, just a log in the right place for the pics..
by: Lawrence Miller

Hi Jim,
All of the pictures I've posted were taken without the use of any animal lures or attractants. I think that "log" is just in the right place and serves as the attractant.

Not much activity this winter so out of curiosity I've tried some Kishel's lures, curiosity and gland lures. So far only raccoons, possum and a couple of skunks. If I get anything good, I'll post a picture here. Thanks for your interest.

Apr 25, 2011
by: Jim Vokes NY

Do you place a lure on the log to attract the fox etc.? If so... what?

Aug 31, 2010
How much do I want for the log?
by: Lawrence Miller

Good question. Funny thing was it was a blow down and I started to limb it and take it away when I noticed that a red fox walked along the log. I placed a camera a bit closer and have since received some really great pictures of all sorts of animals. The log is not for sale. ;0)

Aug 31, 2010
hmmm ??
by: James Whittemore

How much do you want to sell that log for? lol
cool pics

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