Tall 8

by Andrew Schlabach
(Millersburg. Ohio, USA)

Tall 8

Tall 8

This is a tall 8 pointer that has not lost its antlers yet...they seem to lose their antlers in late January.

Cuddeback Capture

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Aug 13, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Students should learn how to critique the work of other authors. He must be able to identify the best custom essay writing services weak points which should be improved and not to be mentioned. He must have good analytical skills.

Aug 02, 2011
Antlers & shedding
by: Anonymous

Nice Ohio buck. Most bucks in my area drop antlers the last week of February through mid March. Only once did I know where a buck in my area dropped in January.I even spied to in early April with headgear while shed hunting. My friend spotted one on April 18th this year while he was arrowhead hunting!(we had a terrible winter also & I don't think that really comes into play but they will drop them early if they are wounded/sick. Jim

May 20, 2009
Sheding Late
by: James Whittemore

I notice this past winter here in Maine the deer were sheding there horns late this year.Great picture,nice buck!!

Jan 20, 2009
Nice deer
by: YInger

nice buck man. I live in Springfield OHio. i got a nice eleven last year. My bigg daddy i am going for this year the camera hasnt captured yet bc some theives keep stealing it!

Nice Deer!

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