Tennessee 8 Point

by Troy Smithson
(Maury County TN)

8 point

8 point

My dad and I were hunting some TVA land in Maury County TN. It was Nov 24, 2006 and I don't remember how cold it was, but it was cold. We set up behind a round bail of hay and hit the rattling box on and off for about an hour and hit the grunt call pretty aggressively. About an hour and a half in he walked out into the field we were in and he was mad. He caught our scent and made a run for it, but luckily I got the shot off and nailed him...he went about 60 yards into the woods before falling. He was killed with a Remington 30-06 model 710 ...150 grain bullet. He measured 18 and 5/8 outside spread. That's my beautiful daughter Destiny holding him.

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Aug 24, 2012
calm NEW
by: troy

i gave him some crackers lol

Oct 28, 2009
Thank you !
by: James Whittemore

Thank you for sharing ! Great story and a very nice buck too!! I hope you two have as much luck this year.

Oct 26, 2009
Very Nice
by: Dean

How did you get him to be that calm in the house?

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