The Wife Just Keeps Getting Better

by Dan Fisher
(Edgar, NE. )

The Wife's deer

The Wife's deer

Once again my wife has out done herself.. We have been practicing deer management for a number of years and we are really noticing an increase in horn size. This deer was taken with one shot (again) at 70 yards. Dropped 5 yards from where she shot it, you did good, my hunting partner!!! We took 6 deer out of a quarter section with only 70 acres of ground, not crop ground. This 5x5, a 4x4, 5x5 (mine), 3 does.

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Dec 30, 2010
very proud
by: Dan

Yes you could say I'm PROUD.. My Wife has killed most of her deer with just one shot.. over 90%.. Then to see the increase in rack size makes me feel good..

Dec 29, 2010
by: Lawrence Miller

Very nice! I'll bet you are proud!

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