The Wife Takes Up Hunting

by Dan Fisher
(Edgar, NE., CLay)

2007 150 yds 1 Shot

2007 150 yds 1 Shot

I got remarried and the wife and I wanted something we could do together so I started her hunting deer.. She has done pretty well so far.. She shoots a 260. Her first yr (2005) she got a 5 x 5 with a creek rack, 80 yards one shot quartering toward her. (it helped that we look at deer photos on the internet and she tells me where she would shoot each one) 2006 she took a young doe (not one shot like the rest) this yr she shot a 4 x 4 (some might call it a 5 x 4) at 150 yards one shot.. dropped 10 yards from impact.. Opening weekend the wife was on the same stand and did not see a deer, the second weekend she had 16 in front of her at one time, 7 of them were bucks (two were fighting) She was going to shoot a doe but had a miss fire. FYI we do not sit in the same stand. We own 160 acres that has been in my family for over 100 yrs. We pratice deer managment. Next year we will plant food plots.

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Dec 15, 2007
by: Terry

Sounds like you married a great lady.Most ladies view hunting as a male sport and for most this is true, but to have a wife who can weather the elements, and and take pride in knowing she can feed her family without going to the grocery store should make her feel like the Queen of the female population.

Congradulation's To A True Sports Woman

Nov 29, 2007
Nice Buck
by: John

That's a real nice buck and one shot at 150 yards is great.

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