Tightwad Buck

by Bill Borgman
(Tightwad, Missouri)

Here it is Sunday morning, 55 degrees and windy. I was 25 ft up in the tree sitting in my old man climber enjoying the beautiful scenery and the sweet sounds of rifles goin off, when all of a sudden I see this spike buck running to my right. Then comes a doe following his lead, but she stops and looks behind to see what is following her and low and behold the tightwad monster was lurking. Nose to the ground he was oblivious to what I was getting ready to do. I threw up my tc 50 cal hawken cocked the hammer set the trigger took a deep breath let it out aimed and fired. The smoked filled the air, after clearing a bit I saw I had made a good clean kill shot. I headed down the tree happier than a fat kid in a candy store. I tracked him for about 100 yds and there he was my trophy buck!!!! Now that's how real men hunt the old cap and ball!!!

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Nov 21, 2011
Far Out!!!! NEW
by: Gary Miller

Way to go Billy!!!! Didn't know they got that big on acorns :)

Nov 18, 2011
by: Anonymous


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