Trent Haggys Buck

by Trent Haggy
(Mechanicsburg, OH USA)

I could barely see through the fog. But, the farmer was shelling the corn so I new I had to be in my woods in the middle of the cornfield. About 45 minutes into the hunt a young doe came in and played around under my buddy stand which just stood 12 ft high. Lower than I usually like to be. Keep in mind I was suppose to go with the wife to Walmart. I begged and begged to go out due to the farmer in the field. Reluctantly she allowed it. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. After about a half hour watch the doe and doing a little filming something caught her attention. When I got turned around my mouth opened wide and I wasn't sure I was up to the task that I was faced with. There he was just 20 yards and closing. At about 7 yards and 12 feet below me, he stopped raised his head and I thought to myself oh no! I let the arrow fly. He jumped head first into a large tree and flopped around. I was filled with joy. Then to my disappointment he jumped up and bolted. I thought oh no! But, about 50 yards of painted red corn row later, there he was. I cried like a baby. Just kidding. Ok maybe.......

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Dec 13, 2012
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Nice Buck.. Good call... hunting is always better than shopping.

Nov 16, 2012
Awesome buck!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Very wide. Very nice

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