Unknown Animal Cropped Pic

Unknown Animal

Unknown Animal

I cropped this pic to make it lager for viewing. Someone told me today that it "might" be a feral hog????

The tail might be a photo glitch???

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Jun 17, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

The teachers of the country should be very good and professional in the education system. Teacher at custom writing service make the student future and give them confidence in their education. Teachers plays very important role in the development of the country.

Nov 15, 2012
mange NEW
by: Anonymous

looks like coyote with mange to me, there are a lot of them in pa and look a lot like this

Nov 05, 2012
Game Comm Responded NEW
by: Candy

Game Comm finally responded and believe a house cat is a strong possibility....

Nov 05, 2012
Game Comm Responded NEW
by: Candy

Game Comm finally responded and believe a house cat is a strong possibility....

Oct 26, 2012
Game Comm NEW
by: Candy

I have given it to Game Commision & they have not responded yet

Oct 26, 2012
unknown NEW
by: joey

you can forward this photo to your state dnr wildlife they will tell you what it is..

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