Unknown Pennsylvania Animal

by Candy
(Fleetwood, PA)

Unknown Animal

Unknown Animal

This pic was taken in my front yard & I can't figure out what it is. It appears to be bigger than a house cat.

If you look closley, it looks like a longer than normal tail..

Please help me identify it.

Yhank you

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Oct 15, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes i also agree with others because i really don't whose in the picture but i think its fox but may be not. At the last just i say you should take clear picture ever then easy to know whose in the picture.
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Aug 06, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

If the governments do not pay any serious and thoughtful attention of research paper writers towards this issue, it will soon add fuel to the fire. It will increase more distress and anxiety among the people.

Oct 25, 2012
Unknown Animal NEW
by: Anonymous

I added another the same picture again but I cropped it so it is larger to view....

Oct 24, 2012
unknown animal NEW
by: Joey

it appear to me that it possible a gray fox.. wish have closer picture to see it more clearly..

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