Virginia 13 Point Taken First Day of Rifle Season 2008

by Matthew Mcguckin
(Rapidan, VA, U.S.)

13 Point

13 Point

It was a wet afternoon hunt on private property, I went out about 3:45 and sat in a pine tree patch, on the ground between two fallen pines. I sat there for about 25 minutes and decided to rattle, I have never had any success before with rattling. I scrapped my antlers on the tree I was sitting in and then I hit my Primos grunt and snort wheeze and began rattling. I rattled for about 20 seconds I would say and out of nowhere comes this buck charging straight toward me, he stopped about 60 yards away and looked to see who was fighting in his territory. That's when I dropped the horns and picked up my rifle and made my shot. It all happened so fast but it was an amazing experience I will never forget. If you don't believe in rattling take it from me it really can work. This deer is the biggest deer I have ever taken.

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Jan 13, 2010
nice buck
by: Nathan Wood

once again very nice buck wish i could have shot it

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